Column: Current topics
First Czech and Slovak Packaging Congress 2007
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The First Czech and Slovak Packaging Congress was held from 15th – 16th November 2007 in Prague organised by the Packaging Institute SYBA. The speakers were home and foreign experts who in their speeches discussed the problems involved with biodegradable packaging, intelligent containers and one of the focal topics of the congress was a discussion on the topic of the considered introduction of deposits on disposable containers in the Czech Republic.
Deposits on “disposable” beverage containers
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The Action Plan of the Czech Republic’s Ministry of Environment 2007: firstly deposits on PET bottles, then on one-trip glass bottles, cans and other plastic bottles as is the case in Germany, and lately also in Scandinavia. Finally perhaps the third or fourth Czech road …
Are deposits planned for disposable (so far beverage) containers a panacea for container waste? Or is this a form of abuse by environmental activists to enforce the interests of producers of reverse vending machines? The article summarises the facts and mystifications surrounding this matter.
Column: 100% containers
Packaging of the year preparing for innovation
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The thirteenth Czech national competition Packaging of the Year 2007 had a record number of displayed exhibits. A total of 55 companies entered 89 exhibits in the competition and 49 were awarded. This record figure means recognition for the activities of the organiser, the Packaging Institute SYBA, but simultaneously begs the question of the moderation of such a high number of awarded packaging solutions even though this concerns the combined market of the Czech and Slovak Republic. Particularly if we consider that for example the 30th similar competition in Germany ended with 20 awards this year. We asked the judging commission chairwoman Jana Lukešová about the assessment of this year’s competition and about possible innovations in the next few years.
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The packaging institute SYBA, the organiser of the Czech national competition PACKAGING OF THE YEAR, organised an official gala night on 15th November at Prague’s Hotel Artemis which closed the thirteenth competition. It was attended by more than 250 guests, not only from the ranks of packaging producers, users, constructors and designers, but also from the professional public who witnessed the presentation of the trophies and certificates for the awarded exhibits in the following categories: consumer packaging; labels, tops, fastenings and other additional means of packaging; packaging materials; group packaging and displays, and transport and technological packaging.
Column: Trade fairs
Nuremberg on the theme of smart packaging
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The trade fair trio FachPack, Printpack and LogIntern 2007 focused on packaging means and materials, additional packaging means, wrapping, filling and other logistic operations. There was also a show displaying entire complex systems. As SB 5/2007 already informed, the trend topics were the traceability, flexibility and automation of packaging.
This year five German companies participated in the fair. These included exhibitors from the Czech Republic. The firms that were presented were Mašek, Blažek, Astro Vlašim, Al Invest – TAPA Tábor, Servisbal Obaly, Triapex, Appec Astro, Mas Consulting, Inferoval and Velteko.
Column: Main topic – selling role of a container, POP/POS communication
Container as a pillar for sales promotion
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As regards the last surveys which apply to the general effectiveness of sales promotion, it is obvious that if a producer wants to differ in some way from his competitors, he should try to work as much as possible with the place of sale as with a complex communication channel. Packaging plays a very important role in the decision-making process of the buyer. Its effect and design is defined, above all by the product category, target group and so on, nevertheless right across the spheres, packaging is one of the most important parameters during impulsive decisions when making a purchase.
Transparent folding packaging is “in”
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Folding packaging has, for many years now, no longer only been produced from full cardboard, although this is still the most common type of material. Coated cardboard is used for more demanding prints – such as white-white, however the most traditional still holds its place, chromium substitute. Apart from full cardboard there is also corrugated, three-layer finely corrugated cardboard – micro-wave (E) and constantly more common mini corrugated cardboard (F, O, G). Experimental direct prints (post-print) using offset printing just as traditional full materials are used on mini corrugated cardboard. The trend in layered packaging is to reduce the weight of packaging by reducing the thickness of individual layers, be it carton, PE or aluminium. In some types of carton PE is replaced by PP (Tetra Recart). Most packaging from the above materials is marked for its high quality printing.
The graphic design often depicts packaged goods, but the consumer prefers to see goods in their packaging in reality.
Transparent types of packaging on the market are nothing new. This is blown or injected plastic packa
ging, blister or skin packs and others. However in recent years there has been an invasion of solid plastic packaging. This as firstly used for large-volume, particularly for the car industry – various types of crates, boxes or box pallets (mostly of cell PP). Now solid plastic foil is also found abundantly in consumer folding packaging. Unlike the large-volume packaging their merit is their transparency often associated with a highly attractive multicoloured print.
Blister pack – effective and demanding
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Blister packs began to be used in Western Europe in the early 1970s and spread very quickly. In the Czech Republic blister packs first appeared in the early 1980s. Goods’ producers appreciate blister packs for several reasons. First of all, it is an excellent selling pack. Thanks to the transparent tub it ensures good visibility of the entire product. This is also enhanced by the attractive graphic design on the blister pad. The blister pad is usually equipped with a file strip and so the packed product can be attached to suspended stands in attractive places of sales areas of super- and hypermarkets and specialised shops.
The product is protected in the blister pack against effects of the environment such as dust, dirt and damp. All additional information about the product can be printed on the back of the pad and there is no need to attach a leaflet.
How does POP function and appear? (point of purchase)
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We bring information in this article about the results of part of a survey entitled POP in the eyes of the public which examined the analysis of the effect of the application of POP on the shopping behaviour of customers in hyper- and supermarkets. The purpose of the survey is to find out whether and how consumers respond to POP materials and whether POP means have an effect on the shopping impulse.
Part of the survey was also the question “To what extent are you affected/and during whatever purchase by the following factors? In first position of the TOP ranking was the good price (64 % respondents), followed by the criterion of vital need (57 %), a taste for the product in question (51 %) and then the attractive packaging (30 %).
Authentic selling display scores points
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The appearance of a new product called Grany Biscuits on the market in Belgium was accompanied by a campaign at the place of sale during which a new concept of displays was used produced by the department of sales displays of the STI Group.
The used concept of sales displays made of natural two-layered cardboard highlighted the natural origin of the displayed product. The three-dimensional decoration added to the credibility which was achieved by the application of pitchforks and real ears of corn which were incorporated into the decorations. This concept received the German Packaging of the Year 2007 award.
Copacking taking on an all-European dimension
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As of the start of 2008 the Czech company Copacking Service, s. r. o. (exclusive commercial representation of the British company Burgopak for the Czech and the Slovak Republic), will become part of the newly established company Copacking Ltd. based in Birmingham. A European group of suppliers of packaging systems of the same name is also being created. We talked to Jan Kotrč, director of the company Copacking Service, not only about the current dynamic development but also about the forthcoming expansion.
Functional packaging sells almost everything
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The new trend of combining the product and packaging into a higher whole creates a synergic effect and its positive result need not only be the way it differs from its competitors, but also the increase in sales – whatever the contents. The packaging of the product need not only be an outer protection and transport cover, which will be thrown away once it is unpacked. By its nature and uniqueness it may enhance the appearance of the product inside and communicate with the user. This philosophy is being implemented on the Czech market by Copacking Service, s.r.o., which is the exclusive commercial representation of the British company Burgopak.
Column: Packaging and software
CAD SW in the production of packaging
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We come across CAD (Computer Aided Design) programs in all spheres of industrial production. Its merit is above all an increase in work productivity during construction with the maximum elimination of errors and possibilities of the electronic administration of documents. It speeds up the process of construction and substantially extends the possibility of designs. It also enables the sequence between individual fields with the aid of common import and export formats. This article brings information about the possibilities of their use during the construction of packaging.
New SW upgrades for waste and packaging management
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The Liberec company INISOFT, s.r.o., has launched new versions of programs to record packaging: Pack 8 (version, for recording waste EVI 8 (v and Waste Dump 8 (in The company has been engaged in the development of this highly specialised software for 14 years. Its programs are used by hundreds of firms, at municipal authorities with extended powers and regional authorities and at the Czech Republic’s Ministry of Environment. The software of the company INISOFT, s.r.o., allows users to fu
lfil all the obligations arising from the Waste Act (185/2001 Coll.) and Packaging Act (477/2002 Coll.) and implementing decrees and amendments. The new upgrades are adapted to all available legislative changes.
Column: Packaging dangerous things
Labelling metal casks
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Metal casks are convenient containers for loose and solid substances, liquids and even asphalt. They can be used to transport even especially aggressive liquids. We found out how these casks are produced, their parameters and the procedure taken for their reconditioning?
Plastic casks for liquids and loose substances
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Plastic casks are used to transport and store loose, piece and paste-like substances. They are mostly produced from HDPE material, less often from PP. The benefit of these plastic casks is their mechanical properties and that they can be used repeatedly. The casks are basically categorised according to the material they are made of. Their further categorisation may be found in their state of matter, or consistency of the substances that are stored or transported in the casks. The casks with a top are designed for liquids and the casks with a removable lid are for loose substances. “However we also come across combinations. Some casks with a removable lid can also be used for containing dangerous liquids,” points out Karel Valík, the head of the company OBAL CENTRUM.